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An intensive old navy store hours workshop on cinema and photography: seven days of experiments in film and digital. This and much more is the "Zirma Cine Lab," scheduled until Monday. A rich program of events and initiatives that will enliven the downtown Zungoli.
It will be the Abbey of Goleto in Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, called the Assisi of the South, to accommodate 7 to 14 August the Personal Exhibition of the young artist Giuseppe Amoroso altirpino De Respinis.Lo old navy store hours purpose of this event is to celebrate the artistic and cultural the passage of a decade of the young artist who until now has received important awards and prizes by participating in numerous old navy store hours events on the Italian territory.
In the enchanting scenery of the historical center back, after the success of last year, the food and wine event and cultural "so many years ago", organized by the local "The Lombards." old navy store hours Today for the first time in Irpinia, will take place the exhibition of Trombonieri-Archibugieri del Casale Senator: a group of about 60 soldiers in period costume who will perform in parades and simulated battle scenes, accompanied by fireworks and drum rolls . Everything will invariably enriched by wine and food stands of typical local products (cod, cheese Carmasciano, stew, grilled meats and more). With this event the pro loco "Lombards" aims to promote a historical center of the oldest in Irpinia, inviting you to rediscover the beauty of a village dating back to Lombard, an ideal setting for a representation innovative and high impact such as that offered by Trombonieri.
Until tomorrow is the feast of the "King bolete", near the village of San Michele. The festival committee St. Michael and St. Anthony has promoted the event to restore old navy store hours and enhance the typical traditions, and of course that to enjoy one of the most popular products of the typical kitchen Pratola and beyond. old navy store hours
The first edition was in 1998 and since then is held every year on August 12, along Corso Umberto old navy store hours I, near the fountain of Bellerophon, recovering an ancient tradition that dates back to 1500.
The custom handed down orally reported that they were so used to the inhabitants of the districts greet the Prince Caracciolo, who spent the summer in Avellino, preferring the warm Naples.
The event of the Palio della Botte occupies the entire day of August 12 of each year, and the race is preceded old navy store hours by a historical procession of all the Contrada, from artistic moments as protagonists medieval knights.
Sunday old navy store hours 10: Zeketam and Kamafei
A festival in the mountains. Art, history and nature together. And 'the Janus Wood Rock, second edition, the first country festival in the Campania region in Creative Commons, under the artistic direction of "Subcava Sonora" and the organization of Radio "Sonarweb." After the success of the first edition, great anticipation for the contest. All this will take place in locations Fontigliano, in Nusco, August 16, 2014.
Part of "Summer Avellino 2014". From 16.00 to 24.00, the square ex Elisha, old navy store hours kicks off the event sponsored by the Youth Forum with beach volleyball and basketball, and performances by local bands.
The appointment is scheduled for today and tomorrow in the square old navy store hours Ponteromito. The initiative is sponsored old navy store hours by the "Friends of Ponteromito", under the patronage of the municipal administration of Nusco, in collaboration with Blue Communications, the folk group "Zompa Cardillo," the School of Tarantella Montemaranese and the "Friends Caciocavallo "and sponsorship of Lenzi truffles Bagnoli Irpino.
For "La Bella Estate" at 21.30, on the terrace, concert Red Onions.Nel September 2004 the chance encounter of Leo Grillo David Pompilio and generates an experiment that begins to create a very personal production and "psychedelic" .Complete duo turns into a trio with the annexation of bassist Ali Adamu. Then join Mangione Marcello on drums and Nicholas Labombarda the item. The project Red Onions then moves its focus more on architectural taste more closely progressive. The band continues its run collaborating with numerous artists and performing in numerous places throughout the boot, until the publication of the first single "Free" Out on a compilation of Quickstar Production (Baltimore, MD).
More news Where, how and when: all today's events in Irpinia for a Saturday in the summer
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