Friday, December 20, 2013

# 11: Law of Relativity is a mosquito velocity relative centre commercial montparnasse to the obser

Jay is Yulian Theory of General Relativity
89 years ago Albert Einstein published a theory that came to be called the General Theory of Relativity by the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Einstein's theories are nothing new in the world of physics that time and some parts refute Newton's laws.
Theory of General Relativity makes tantrum because disprove Newton's Law of Gravity Equations that gravity is not a force but simply a consequence of the curvature of space-time centre commercial montparnasse result. Time becomes the parameters together form a three-dimensional space-time space or spacetime, space-time centre commercial montparnasse has a reference to the event (event) that is mathematically symbolized by the coordinates (t, x, y, z) or in angular coordinates (t, r, θ, and φ). Theory is all relative measurements are relative to the observer (observer). An example that is often expressed is a moving look at B and C, B with speed X Km / h and C with Y speed Km / h then B (as an observer to C) will not see C moves with Y Km / hour.
Ten years earlier, in 1905, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity put forward by the two postulates are the basis for the development of the General Theory of Relativity. Two of these postulates is that the nature of the universe (universe) does not change if the observer inertial observer conditions change and the speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all observers.
Examples thought experiment of Special Relativity Theory is the Twin Paradox, if A and B are twins, A and B dwell on the earth out of the earth at speeds centre commercial montparnasse approaching that of light then the time will come back to earth B is younger than A. In the case of this thinking in the field predictions occur at supersonic aircraft being out of sync with the clock on earth after traveling.
I myself do not understand a lot more about the Theory of Relativity, in addition to a description of the theory I like the Star Trek series (ah, due to the low ratings are no longer played on the local TV station) which more or less describes and illustrates the theories of relativity.
none. This entry was written Thursday, December 2nd, 2004 at 13:57 in Tags: science / technology. You can follow any responses all records through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can post comments centre commercial montparnasse or write trackback your own site. Comment
sorry in advance if my words later in the liver was less fun writing the above, use the words easy to understand, but please in the love of explanation, any theory, which is put forward by Einstein in relativity this problem and what is the reason einstein why take and put forward the theory. bales please also reply on my email. centre commercial montparnasse
Hello hello Bang Jay, I do not know turned out time to write about the Theory of General Relativity in this blog, hehe ... So far that remember "Jay is Julian" is identical onion thief his mama, hihi ...
It is true that gravity is a consequence of the curved space. However, this does not disprove gravity is a force (which if you want more appropriately called: interaction.) The disputed centre commercial montparnasse General Relativity is, that Newton's Law of Gravitation did not answer the "what is gravity". His mathematical formula anyway, that G ~ M1 * M2 / R ^ 2 was not salah2 very ...
Regarding "Relative Theory", in fact it was not anything special ... Before Einstein was born, Om Galileo had said the same thing. Then be special (and riled scientists because it took 20 years to understand) is that space-time is considered absolute by Newtonian (and Galilean) that its value is relative ... AGAINST the speed of light.
existing punk band Tegal enacting laws Idiot (a), which reads like this: 'EVERY THING, no matter how small, WILL CONSIST OF VARIOUS PART ONE makes them into "how do you think? while he lives bet For issuing the Law? please think
according to the theory of relativity say it is very logical when viewed from some of the events that have occurred or some basic intuition of the truth of the theory. take the example of blackhole gravity is added to v celestial bodies that are already approaching the speed of light, does not rule out going back to the past .....
# 11: Law of Relativity is a mosquito velocity relative centre commercial montparnasse to the observer, if the observer the velocity of mosquitoes in the car by now, if the observer of people centre commercial montparnasse in the other car that much speed. So certainly vary, depending on the direction centre commercial montparnasse and speed of the observer.
Rotation and revolution motion of celestial objects can be explained by the theory of special relativity and more vivid description of the phenomenon for synchronous rotation (eg, motion months) compared with Newton's theory of gravity.
Eeh halo halo halo I'm sorry I just dropped by talaga after search "relativity" in google.sejuju

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