Historically, there are two separate, the creation of a single character la radoute set to try. One is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in the ISO 10646 project, and the other is from (the beginning mostly American) associations multilingual software component manufacturers The Unicode project. Fortunately, after 1991 years ago, the participants recognized the two projects, the world does not need two different single character set. The combined results of both sides of their work, and for the creation of a single code table and work together Both projects la radoute are still there and independently release their standards, la radoute but the Unicode Consortium and ISO / IEC JTC1 / SC2 have agreed to keep the Unicode and ISO 10646 standards-compliant code table and closely together to adjust any future expansion.
Considering the Unicode standard has a catchy name, and in any good bookstore Addison-Wesley, there are only a small part of the cost of the ISO version and includes additional supporting information, and thus it becomes a much wider use Reference is not surprising, however, is generally believed that the font used to print the ISO 10646-1 la radoute standards of quality in some areas than for print Unicode 2.0 in. professional font designers are always la radoute suggested to be two standard are implemented, but some sample glyphs provided a significant difference. ISO 10646-1 standard also uses four different styles to show ideographic la radoute variants la radoute such as Chinese, la radoute Japanese, and Korean (CJK), la radoute and Table of Unicode 2.0 where only Chinese variants. This has led to widespread legend Unicode for Japanese users think is unacceptable, even though wrong.
UTF-8 and UCS first Unicode character is assigned to an integer encoding table now there are several la radoute string of characters will be represented as a string of bytes approach. Two of the most obvious method is to Unicode text is stored as 2 or 4 string byte sequence. la radoute The official name of these two methods were UCS-2 and UCS-4. Unless otherwise specified, most of the bytes are like (Bigendian convention). The one ASCII or Latin-1 The file is converted into a UCS-2 simply insert before each ASCII byte 0x00. If you want to convert la radoute UCS-4, you must insert three 0x00 before each ASCII bytes. la radoute
Using UCS-2 (or UCS-4) la radoute in Unix can cause very serious problems. With these encoded string will contain some special characters, such as '/ 0' or '/', which filenames and other C library the function parameters have special meaning. In addition, most of the tools under UNIX ASCII file, if not a major modification is unable to read 16 characters. For these reasons, in the file name, text files, environment la radoute variables la radoute other places, UCS-2 is not suitable as an external Unicode encoding.
The following string of bytes used to represent a character. Which to use depends on the character string of numbers in Unicode.
U-00000000 - U-0000007F: 0 xxxxxxx U-00000080 - U-000007FF: 110 xxxxx 10 xxxxxx U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF: 1110 xxxx 10 xxxxxx 10 xxxxxx U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF: 11110 xxx 10 xxxxxx 10 xxxxxx 10 xxxxxx U-00200000 - U-03FFFFFF: 111110 xx 10 xxxxxx 10 xxxxxx 10 xxxxxx 10 xxxxxx U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF: 1111110 x 10 xxxxxx 10 xxxxxx 10 xxxxxx 10 xxxxxx 10 xxxxxx
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html (English)
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