Thursday, February 27, 2014

In the state elections of 2003 agents of the project workshop will be pulled through Hessian villag

Jorg Bergstedt in the Mühle | bloegi tjmaxx homegoods
The Hessian Justice before the Projektwerkstättler Patrick Neuhaus (Espi) and Jorg Bergstedt einzuknasten for at least 6 months. But before that big showdown, first on 10.7.2009 in the Mühle in amoebae castle. Perhaps the state protection also comes. The Mühle is rotten. If all the leftists sit in it, it falls possibly together suddenly.
Bergstedt was at least earlier for the amusement value. In 2003, he announced on the Internet at large, he would blow up the dishes in Giessen. On the announced day he came with a large watering can (who knows where he got the, perhaps tjmaxx homegoods stolen from the cemetery) and blew up the courthouse. Then the Jug was not yet empty. Bergstedt moved with the rest in the seltzer alley where just an election battle raged which to fill the Giessen mayoral post. At the CDU state Bergstedt did not ran. He was surrounded too closely by officials. According to its own statements, he stepped up to the level at which the candidate made manure attention to himself, and dousing an election poster of the Greens. Angela manure ("Angela" means angels and "manure" tjmaxx homegoods pig-pee) but claimed Bergstedt had moistened her feet. For this purpose, he stated: "I hereby bepisse you!" You, manure, tjmaxx homegoods have believed tjmaxx homegoods in the watering can is anything other than water. Anyway, she suggested to the Jörg so to his face that his glasses flew 6 m wide and eventually crashed.
In the state elections of 2003 agents of the project workshop will be pulled through Hessian villages and should have pasted portraits of the Prime Minister Roland Koch and the Interior Minister Volker Bouffier with monkey heads. tjmaxx homegoods Actions and events on genetic engineering in central Hesse around the criminal trial of Genfeldbefreier!
Friday, tjmaxx homegoods 10.07. tjmaxx homegoods 20 clock in Amoeneburg, Mühle (Am Friedensstein 6) lecture "Monsanto German - cliques of the German Genetic Engineering" Do you know movies or books about Monsanto? Again and again felt a more intense between group and regulatory authorities is revealed. But St. Louis, the round-up and Agent Orange tjmaxx homegoods manufacturer's headquarters is far away. But how does it work in Germany? Why always new fields are created, although 80 percent of people do not want genetic engineering in the food here year after year? Why tax money flowing even this 80 percent almost exclusively in genetic engineering when it comes to agricultural research? tjmaxx homegoods A look behind the scenes tjmaxx homegoods of genetic engineering with their mafia structures and scandalous conditions in permits and money award provides a harrowing explanation of why the overwhelming rejection and the law actually existing protection of GM-free agriculture (including beekeeping) compared to green genetic engineering has so little effect. After all, in the past decades all relevant items in approval tjmaxx homegoods authorities, specialist institutions and federal money awarded ministries have been occupied with genetic engineering proponents. Most of them are directly involved in the genetic engineering corporations. Mafia braids of micro-enterprises and strange Biotechnology Park names biotech farm or AgroBioTechnikum have arisen between which orders and funds only embezzled and then back and forth until their trace is lost to the accounts of participants. It is time for a resistor at the locations of cliques. In the event, the cliques between public authorities, public and private research corporations and lobbying organizations are meticulously screened. More detailed looks worth on the approval authority BVL (Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Lebensmittelsichergheit and their counseling centers JKI and ZKBS Then let example, two centers of green genetic engineering tjmaxx homegoods are presented. The AgroBioTechnikum in Great Lüsewitz with his company braids to biovativ and BioOK and Biotech farm in Üplingen with the . Saxony-Anhalt Gentechfilz to InnoPlanta The conclusion is a preview of the possibilities of resistance: "Who tjmaxx homegoods is calling for more research or relying on government services, is leaving GMO-free, there are only if the 80 percent rejection tjmaxx homegoods also show up - not true. not only by ballot, mail or protest at the supermarket shelves, but where the GMO mafia works and the fields are created! "
. Wednesday, 7.15 8.30 clock in Gießen Regional Court (Ostanlage 15) in the space 15 Appeals (2nd instance) the trial of the field liberators of 2006 casting judgment in the first instance: the 6 months in prison without parole for property damage! This time ... the prosecution has announced that it will require a year or more in prison! Overload List of witnesses: Already at 10.30 clock a witness is loaded - and equal to a climax, namely Dr. Gregor Langen, the commissioner for Biology

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