Hello everyone. Today we want to give you good news: now available the plan points to the new combos that we take a few weeks. As you know, the plan points is available for those who have móbilR television or pay contract with us. Customers móbilR reject shop catalogue you are already a jartá because we have more than 140,000 lines. And now, almost all combos have a new decoder R. So what the most and the least is already accumulating points. But accumulate accumulate by anyone we like, what we want is for things to change, you did? Well from now on you can do. In addition, the new points plan comes with a lot of new features that you will surely enjoy. reject shop catalogue Here's the highlight: The change reject shop catalogue points for services will be c ompatible reject shop catalogue with other promotions you have, as welcome. That is, before we asked who chose between one or the other. Now we throw the house out the window ;) and you can have both. You can change your points to several services at a time. Take the case that you have a combo 15 mini, well, if you have enough points, reject shop catalogue you can increase both the MB and television options, so that you could have 50 combo (with 50/5 MB, 90 channels and 300 minutes of calls to mobiles) free for 6 bills. Free means free? Yes, being R Echea what you have. When invoices for completed 6 promotion reject shop catalogue automatically become the old product that had hired. reject shop catalogue So you do not have to go pending when the promotion ends to return to the previous product and others. For you to be novices in this plan points, just have to remember the web address http://puntos.mundo-R.com. Here you can see the points you have accumulated and what services you can change your points for: direct, quick and convenient. Who gives more? Well now, using the points reject shop catalogue that Ilos amoreando to look at them not plan ;) Cheers.
Supongo that I had given back the part of them 6 months of tv total 1000 points for them to enjoy it yet on why spend al mismo al combo, but supposedly 20 euros mas cheap in me convalidaba with laopcion de la tv, why ni los canales veil them tengo ni points. reject shop catalogue
Finally! I have several questions: 1) I'm still with the old combo R. If you change the combo 15, imagine that maintains the balance of points, right? 2) On the other hand, I still have a couple of months of the film option that I took the points. Maintains it change combo? 3) There continues to be the ability to change 500 points reject shop catalogue by choice or movies you can only take the total TV? and by how many points? and 4) * (besides the point) I have lines with mobile tariff descatalogada afternoon and minimum consumption 6 / month and module R with R free. It keeps you moving to a new combo?
Hello! One consultation on increasing it to 50 megs for 6 months. Dice agrees that the stay. Aunque Haya router to change it? La legal info: http://legal.mundo-r.com/ccurl/WCR/WCR_ArchivoDescarga/Condiciones_legales_programa_puntosR_Residencial.pdf (P. 4) I believe that sin is updated (because habla 30 megs), but mentions that No 6 month stay by him extra change of router / installer visit. Muchas thank you for tu tiempo. reject shop catalogue Regards, Diego
Interesting ... but as siempre, a couple of doubts: In my case tengo an ancient comboR 30Mb. Supongamos reject shop catalogue I use them tener points to 50 or 100Mb. After 6 months it them in use more points to keep the promotion automatically vuelve a mis 30Mb without necesity to Llamar, and here it more important if you maintain it myself al the product be discontinued reject shop catalogue combo ya tendría to necessarily spend them nuevos combos? A Health.
You can not put all plan information points on the web? I mean any possible change within each combo, the same way you put the options of combos. I'm thinking of a change me of new combos, but not knowing reject shop catalogue what options are points I will offer not have clear.
John, of course, if you Hemos given that option and in Hemos Cumplido, y nosotros damaged they will have to regularizarla y hacer ajustes reject shop catalogue them relevant. Lo primero would hacer una claim by him subject. If you see a problem that hay, contact with nosotros y in quecheparece@mundo-r.net you look. David ____________ VGO, change combo does not involve a change in the points you already have. They are two different things. So change you will not lose points. Only if you lose the change directly on the web for services. By cambiarte combo could do that, you would have 2 months this free option, but would not automatically low. You would have to call us to do so. As for points
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